Your Directory for all things boating in maine
You can search below by industry (i.e., sails, riggers, etc.), or by towns close to you to see what’s available, or search alphabetically. It’s up to you! If you spot our “Fool Proof” logo, that means we have personal experience with that company and they are trusted by us.
(We will be updating this directory regularly)
Boothbay Harbor Master
Town of Boothbay Harbor
11 Howard Street
Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04538
207-633-3671 - Main Office
207-380-7602 - Harbor Master
Rockland Harbor Master
270 Pleasant St
Rockland, ME 04841
(207) 594-0312
Rockport Harbor Master
111 Pascal Avenue
Rockport, ME 04856
207-236-0676 - Office
207-939-1507 - Cell
Camden Harbor Master
Camden Harbor Master’s Office
2 Public Landing (Physical Address)
PO Box 1207
Camden, Maine 04843
(207) 236-7969 Harbormaster Office
Emergency Cell: (207) 691-4314
VHF Channel 16